Friday, 14 November 2014

Titles interview with Richard Morrison

Interview with Richard Morrison

In the interview with Richard Morrison he has many inspirational tips on how to make titles effective yet not over complicated.
He made the point that simple is good, if you over complicate an idea then you could ruin the effect it has on the audience. A way to to entice your audience is to engage all of their senses rather than just looking at the titles. Drawing simple storyboards can help you organize your planning rather than just jumping straight into a project and combining all of your ideas at once; with storyboards you can easily add to it. One of the most importance points he makes is that titles NEED to have relevance to the narrative other wise there is no point in them being there at all; for example if the genre of your film is romance and the narrative is about a young couple falling in love, but your titles have low-key lighting and include aspects of a horror film such as blood and death then the audience will be confused with the contrast of the titles and the narrative.     
He described that the blood in the opening sequence for Sweeney Todd as a metaphor as it is following its journey in comparison to Sweeney Todd's life going in the same path.

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