You are editing your own footage, how did the filming go?
- I felt the filming went very well as we worked well as a team and were able to get all the appropriate shots we needed to complete our video to the best standards we could. Our team was able to get decent shots in a short period of time which was beneficial to us as we therefore had longer to edit the footage.
Was your storyboard accurate?
- Our storyboard was accurate however there was one small shot we did not include in the storyboard however we did capture it on film.
What were your strengths and weaknesses in the group?
- Our strengths were that we worked well together and managed to each produce a good video out of our footage; we were able to decide on locations that matched up with the original video which made our video more similar to the original. The weaknesses within the group was mainly just at the beginning of recording we struggled to get in the right mind set for filming however once we had shot a scene that we were pleased with we felt more confident and did not struggle with the rest of the task.
Did you get all the footage you wanted?
- We did get all of the footage we wanted as we were able to make our video as similar as possible to the original video, if we did have more time to complete this task we probably would of been able to improve a bit by extending our video so that we could make our video last as long as the original.
What technical skills - camera and premiere - did you learn?
- I learnt the basic skills of how to use a video camera like recording videos and zooming in and out which was overall pretty straight forward; on premiere i learnt how to merge different pieces of music together to create a smooth transition between them. I also learnt how to trim and clip videos using different tools that the software provided.
How does it compare to the original?
- In my opinion i think it compares well to the video as our footage is relatively precise in timings and the video transitions i used in our video was very similar to the ones in the original. For the footage we shot that lasted longer the scenes in the original I sped or slowed them down so that it would be in time with the original.
- In my opinion i think it compares well to the video as our footage is relatively precise in timings and the video transitions i used in our video was very similar to the ones in the original. For the footage we shot that lasted longer the scenes in the original I sped or slowed them down so that it would be in time with the original.
What went well - What I learnt - What I will take with me to the next production
- I think that the editing went very well as we could all edit our own version so if we did agree on anything we could adapt it in our own video but with the filming we all had to work together and try to work as efficiently as possible to record our footage to the best possible standard. I learnt how to edit a video using a new software to me which is premiere and i will take on my knowledge of how to shoot a good quality video within the required amount of time for the task so that i leave enough time for editing.