Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Music research

Issy was given the task in our group to find the music that will be played in the opening scene of The Wish List. This task was tricky as the songs she liked and felt that would go well with the clips in the opening scene were done by artists that are famous. However, some of them are not well known. The problem that she was faced with is that if we used a song that was really well known, our opening for the film would be at risk of being taken down off of YouTube. To over come this problem she searched for YouTubers who have done a cover of the songs that she liked and felt that it would be good in the opening scene. The artist that she chose is Gabrielle Aplin. She chose this artist as lots of her songs are soft and slow songs which will go well with the calming atmosphere created in the opening of the film The Wish List.

She also searched sad, soft music that YouTubers had composed themselves or uploaded that were not well known songs and she found these songs.

She found these four songs as back ups in case Salvation by Gabrielle Aplin doesn't go with the opening scene. Issy chose these four clips as she liked the way they are soft, calm songs. The length of the songs are a good length as the music will run for a long time. The four songs are smooth songs and will go with the theme of the opening scene.

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